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random blogpost in 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013 @ 11:23 PM


I had the sudden urge to blog sooooooo why not? Hehe. The last blog post was like what, last year? Boohoo. Been rather busy with school work (lies).  Recently had my mid-year exams and the results were pretty bad (although i did pass my amaths exam for the very first time). Meh :( Whatever. There's always next time lolol.

Half a year has passed. Lot's of happenings this year i guess?

Vday gifts! Appreciate all of the cards,sweets,chocos and delicious cookies+cupcakes!

Looks like fluffy white clouds hehe

Love the pretty colours, Hate Chemistry.

me with a super cool hair bow on my head (credits to Kenric yay)

Ladder braid tied by Dora ^^ yeah look at my hair length lol totally can compete with the great wall of China wtf (excuse my dry humour)

Not to forget, Track meet! 

On the left: AEHK3MTV :*
On the right: Other close friends and cool people!

AEHK3MTV(without Kimberly) polaroid!!!.....which i lost due to my carelessness :-(

Besties <3 p="">

Classmates! Featuring a photobomber LOL

KFC with Huiting and Kenric! Watched warm bodies on that day too.
Awesome movie with a super hot actor hehehe *eyes form into heart shapes*

random selfie ft. fishbraids!

very first time trying Chewer Junior with Kw and Angie wahahahha!!!! How can i forget hehe.

Lawson showcase! Hoho

Udders for the very first time! Tastes meh only. 


I kinda miss art fiesta lol 

Random selfie ft. roses!

oh my love for cats <3 p="">
Free balloon because of a dare! YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR BALLOONS.

Studying at the airport hehe.

Sister's bday a few days ago. Happy belated bday to my sis! :-*

I think i missed out some but whatever HAHAHA. There isn't much pictures with Huiting coz most of 'em are in her phone!!! :(

Ok so tomorrow's Chinese O's but i'm blogging like I'm not failing chinese at all YAY ME. What am i doing with my life sigh :(

Will probably blog more during the June hols (although there are about 407397328 remedials cockblocking my holiday >:( )

Oh and i've thought of doing posts that start with different alphabets! As you all know there's altogether 26 alphabets, so there'll be 26 of those kind of posts! For example: A for Appreciation, i'll blog about the people i appreciate etc. Whatever I'm bored ok HAHAHA i should totally go get a life LOL.

pish posh applesauce ok this blog post is long enough to last y'all a week maybe haha jk bye.

oh hey guess who's back
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 @ 8:01 AM


and pardon the title lol idk what title to put and i didn't want titles like 'awesome day out!' or 'fun day!' bc that's so kindergarten-ish idk?

yes i was like that in sec one hahahahahahahha (DO NOT read my past entries sobs i don't have the time to delete them so) 

and I'm having difficulties typing right now bc... 

my poor poor right hand's index finger cries

ok so i went out with two idiots last sunday.

and these two idiots happen to be my best friends.

can't believe it's our third year together already sobs so emotional right now bc we've been through thick and thin and next year's already our fourth year together.

//plays typical sad violin background music while reminiscence-ing//



talk about being emotional hahahahahahahaha wtf

we looked like idiots. I.D.I.O.T.S.

Met in the morning to go to Orchard. Idk but the three of us actually brought little money out hahahahaha (poor kids are us). Went to scape but there wasn't much to see yet coz it was still quite early so we went to Cathay to catch Breaking dawn part two! 

Been waiting for part two ever since part one ended with a cliffhanger!!!

and the ending wasn't a disappointment :3 although some scenes were kinda gruesome with the ripping of limbs and heads wtf..............but still!! Bella and Edward lived happily ever after hahaha yay for happy endings!! 


After the movie ended we went to grab a bite in mcdonalds. Didn't eat yet coz i was afraid i wouldn't have enough money to buy stuffs from the flea hahahahaha.

We sat at the outside bc Huiting and me thinks that the scenery and everything makes it very romantic hahahaha.

Huiting trying to film a shampoo advertisement bc of the strong wind and the leaves falling from the tree above us (apparently i didn't catch the 'moment' hahaha #itsbadluckhuiting) 

After watching the two of them eating we went to shop. Bought a short only sobs so sad. Looked around and suddenly the sky started raining so we went back to mcdonalds so that i can eat lol. Sorry to Huiting and Kuowei for having to go back to mac just so that i can eat!!!!!!!

Ate B.L.T for the very first time and now i have another favourite in mac besides mcwings! too bad it's only there for a limited time :(

Went to the mall to walk around and saw pretty clothes that had prices that were beyond what we have at that time lolol. After poking around we decided to go to H&M bc Huiting hasn't been there before.

And Huiting hasn't been to scape before.

And Huiting hasn't been to a skytrain in Changi Airport before.

Guess who was there with her when it was her first time going to all these places? 



Walked around looking at all the clothes like the poor kids we were. Some caught our eyes but sadly we were broke so //put the clothes back to the racks and runs away crying//

After H&M was 313!!

Saw this super cute cafe that had a snoopy theme hehe but sadly i didn't take any picture of the snoopy.
It's been a long long time since i went to 313 omggggg. The last time i went here was with /coughs/ those two retards /cough/.

I'm sooooo going there to eat or have a drink one day!! :3
Last year.

This year.

and it's the exact same positions omg HAHA. I'm in the middle, Huiting as at my right and Kuowei at my left! 

(coz being a creeper is Kuowei's thing.)

Guess what i saw in HMV hehe

Zoom in on my husband hehe


Went to HMV then to the food court to sit down bc we were tired after all those walking (unfit kids are us). Bought drinks and chatted like the good old friends we are hahahaa wtf.

She took that picture herself okay! i was actually zilian-ing so the camera was facing me but this cunning ass switched the camera's face (the one at the top right hand corner of the iphone) and when i clicked, it took HER picture instead!!!!
idk if y'all understand what i'm talking hahahahahahahaha but nvm.

her tomyam soup

Derp and Derpier

Photo shoot in the food court haha how pathetic

<----dumbfuck b="b" p="p">

we iz cute

why so serious

---> so vulgur

in order to uphold their reputations (i think they have one) i didn't upload those unglam shots so thank me huh ? ;)

trying to act like those dramas where the lead male is infatuated with the lead female HAHAHA

close enough........HAHAHAHA

After camwhore-ing we go our lazy ass up and wandered around Orchard.

the 'statue' is actually a real man acting like one! I was so shocked when he moved LOL.

was waiting for him to move again so that i could snap a picture but he didn't :(

Then we went into Takashimaya bc we felt like it lol. Went to the kiddy section bc we're young and free and sexy HAHAHA. 

It was Huiting's paradise bc there were Hello Kitty EVERYWHERE. Like, every single corner and place is invaded with this Cat with no mouth. 

"This Hello Kitty is a guy bc it has chest hair" - Kuowei HAHAHAHA.

Walked around Takashimaya for a lil bit before going out. Our camwhore selves were dying to camwhore so we sat on the staircase and started our photo shoot again lolol. I mean, WHO DOESN'T LOVE CAMWHORE-ING?! :D

we iz flower girl and boiii

this picture is nice but kuowei's fingers had to ruin it

ew act cute

we iz cool

to the right

to the left

what are we so interested at?

TADA! Lights on trees. So fascinating right wtf.

Eventually camwhore-ing got a little tiring and plus nobody was around to take a picture of the three of us together (or should i say, nobody looks nice enough to help us lmao) so we decided to head home. 

Since we had little energy in us left, we camwhored! TSKKK.

Because camwhores never die. Lol.

So our day ended just like that. It's rare to have such awesome days bc we were so busy this year unlike when we were in sec ones, so carefree and relaxed. And...

 Awesome days deserve a blog post, right?! 

Okay so i shall now end this blog post with a heartbreaking announcement.

I MAY OR MAY NOT GO TO SWC2 BUT I THINK IT'S MORE TO THE LATTER SOBBBBBS ;____________________; <///////////////////3

Unless i win tix or can get tix that has a good seat at the cheapest price I'm not going. And if i don't go i'll probably stay at home and cry and mope and go into a depression mode while playing SHINee songs. 

Yeah that hardcore i know.

Okay let's pray and hope that i'll win the #qoo100SHINee thing on twitter //claps hands together and closes my eyes while chanting incoherent words// AMEN.
