HEY. A fangirl at heart. My world revolves around kpop.

And the truth always hurts.

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Monday, December 20, 2010 @ 5:59 PM
WAHAHHAHHAHA , the title above damn random but cute xD I'm gonna use that everytime I post mannzxc ♥ HEHEHHAHAHAHA . Opps , forgot to say Hi :x HEY HI HI ! :D LOLS . My sister looks weird with her rebonded hair :P Not used to it uhh ! xD HEH HEH NOW DAMN HYPER MWAHAHAHHAS ;DD Now at my aunt's computer shop :] JOKES with my cousins are awesome (Y) :DD There's a DISGUSTING PIMPLE ON MY FORE HEAD ): Disgusting ttm D; My pooor pooor head )): Kayy whatever :{ Sorry people for not replying in the tagboard , I'm lazy :/ but don't worry , I will tag back in your blogs ;) I'M KIND OKAYYS ! :D HEHE . I'm going to my own house today ! (Y) Excited ttm ;} But ... not sure if can use com :/ So , just in case , I shall do 2 of the 30 days thing naooozxc :D

Day 11 What character would you say you are most like.

IDK LEHH :D I'm definitely not Hermione , she's damn smart :x I'm not Harry , he's brave and not afraid to do things he's afraid of . I'm also not Ron , he's funny and holds the trio together . I'm not Luna , she's dreamy and calm . I'm not Ginny , she's cool and brave . I'm DEFINITELY NOT draco , he's evil , and he only wants to please his father :/ So .. I'M NONE :D I'm just a super duper uber big huge humongous awesomest number 1 FAN :D

Day 12 Fave ship.

Ermmmm , what's that ?! x.x If it's FRIENDship , then it's definitely absolutely the trio , Harry , Ron and Hermione :P :P :P

HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHHEHEHE kayy shut up . I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO enjoying my holiday here :DD ♥ Of course I miss Singapore and my Friends ;DD ♥ I'm SOOOOO gonna enjoy the rest of my 11 days here xDDD Okayy lahh I'm so tired already BYE BYE :DD