HEY. A fangirl at heart. My world revolves around kpop.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011 @ 4:57 AM

SEE THAT AWESOME BAND ABOVE?! YUPP , I READ THE INTERNET , THEY SAID THAT THEY'LL BE COMING HERE ON 2ND APRIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O OMGOMGOMGOMGZXC! I'm not sure if it's true, BUT I DON'T CARE :D I wanna buy the ticket D: just watched finish SHinee hello baby , IT WAS SOOO SUPER DUPER UBER MEGA AWESOME OMGZXC . So touching also ;) SHINEE SARANGHAEYO  (x1000000000000 times more :D) So gonna watch it all over again :P I hope they come out with a new song soon ♥ they said it would be on March , SO WHY IS IT NOT OUT YET T_T sad die me . k gonna go watch shinee videos BWAIXX ((: